Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Proposal

Many of you who are reading this blog will have already heard the story of our proposal, but I feel that I should share it for the ones of you that don't. Plus it's a good story and he did an amazing job of catching me off guard!

The weekend of March 31st-April 3rd, Brian and I had decided to attend a conference with our church called "The Passion" in Ft. Worth, Texas. There were going to be great speakers like Louie Giglio, Francis Chan, and John Piper along with music from Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, and Lecrae. Needless to say we were pretty pumped to go and have this experience together. We arrived on Thursday night and were able to just explore downtown Ft. Worth. It was warm (which was a wonderful break from cold Missouri weather) and we were excited to be there. We joined two friends from church, Lorena and Amy on this trip. They were really fun to get to know and spend time with that night. Oh, and unbenounced to me, Brian would be proposing on this trip!

The next day we had to register for the conference at 2 p.m. As Brian and I were on our way down the elevator to head towards the convention center I happened to mention that it was April 1st! "Happy April Fool's Day!" I said to that moment he got down on one knee and said "Will you...celebrate April Fool's Day with me?". hahaha, he thought he was so funny! After a few laughs and a "oh, get up you jerk!" we were off to the convention center. Little did I know that Brian had been planning to propose on that weekend, but he didn't know exactly when yet. After the April Fool's joke in the elevator, he decided that he would do it as soon as it wasn't April Fools Day anymore. No matter where we were at midnight that night he was gonna do it! eeeek!

After the first session at 7 p.m. and the second session at 9 p.m. there was a "late night option" to go to a concert at 11:15 p.m. Honestly, I was tired and a tad bit overwhelmed from the day. There were about 10,000 people there and everywhere we went we were herded like cattle. Also, my knee was hurting from standing all day and I was just having a case of the grouchies. Brian kindly reminded me that this was our vacation and we just needed to make the most of it...he is always so encouraging. So after we sat and watched the 9, 998 people shove into the convention center, we decided to join in on the fun too. I shook off my negative nancy feelings about being tired and such and joined in on the amazing music by David Crowder.

Brian and I were able to find seats and mine was on the aisle. As the concert went on, I started to notice that Brian was getting really fidgety and kept looking at his watch. Finally I asked him if he was okay and he responded with "I'm just tired". hmm, okay...a few minutes later, Brian stepped in front of me like he was headed towards the bathroom. So of course I yelled out, "Are you going to the bathroom?". (Little did I know, it was midnight!) At that moment he took my hand, got down on one knee in the middle of the aisle in front of a ton of strangers, and took the ring out of his pocket. Brian's exact words were "Baby, it's not April Fools Day anymore....In front of God and all of these people, I want you to know that I love you more than anything on this earth and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?". If you know me, you KNOW I cried and cried and of course said "YES!".

After I said yes, one of our favorite Christian rappers, Lecrae, came out on stage. The little crowd around us cheered when I said yes. Then the entire crowd cheered a split second later when Lecrae came out. It was a really cool and overwhelming moment. I was shaking and taking in all that had just happened. I was incredibly surprised and so happy that he had asked!

Afterwards, we called family, friends, and of course made it official on facebook! lol. Brian then told me that he had been planning this weekend for months now! He shared that he had taken the ring over to his Mother's house two days before we left for our trip to show her...and guess what? I was with him. Then I asked "When did you ask my Dad's permission?". He told me that he did it the day before we left when we were at my Grandma's for dinner. Bri not only asked my Dad's permission, but showed him, my Grandma, my Aunt, and my Uncle the ring...and once again, I WAS THERE! I couldn't believe how sneaky and good he was about pulling this off! He did an amazing job!

After we shared the news we went for pizza at this pizza joint down the street. It was 2 a.m. and this place was still open...and of course we were starving! No better way to celebrate our engagement than with some yummy pizza!

Overall, it was an amazing trip and I will remember it forever!


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